I often hear Superhera-ism (well, they say 'Superhero'), defined as a woman who can do everything. This is admirable, but it's not Superhera-ism because it puts an unfair burden on women. Superhera-ism is defined as the quality of impact you have, not an impacted schedule.


I have my set schedule: early wake-up, mediation, write, workout, shower, go to work. 

But I skipped my routine Tuesday — Friday because I needed sleep. Like the 9-10 hours kind of sleep.

This was extremely difficult. I hate missing my routine; it's gets me in my groove, and keeps me from falling behind. 

Guess what? I’m behind. I feel well-rested, and I have my energy back.

Protecting my energy has forced me to listen to what’s going on internally and how to understand what I need. 

In the way I am disciplined about my routine, I’m also trying to be disciplined about listening to myself. Connection!

This made me think about the definition of a Superhera.

I’m always thinking about what this definition is, especially because Superhera-ism is unique to each one of us.

In the last newsletter, I said, “You are not a Superhera because you do everything.”

I’m fascinated by the context in which people use the term, 'Superhero.' I most often hear, “She’s a Superhero because she does [insert list of an infinite number of roles].”

Busy ≠ Superhera.

Being busy doesn’t define you and what you are capable of. 

I love to be involved in a lot, and I’ve practiced enough where I can have the capacity to take on a lot.

Like like most of you, I live two lives: one life is academia/work and the other is sports. And we have to excel at both, it’s just how we are.

Before I formed the connection with myself and learned what my superpowers were, I proved my worth through my busy-ness.

The result was exhaustion. I became tired of doing all the extra stuff I took on.

But, I didn’t feel validated in my exhaustion because I thought being busy proved how good I was.

Women have a history of bearing a ton of the burden, and are called Superheroes because they can do… almost everything at the same time.

It’s incredible and unfathomable how much some women do throughout the day. 


If you bear a ton of responsibility — take care of a lot of humans, capital, and really important things — just know that your identity as a Superhera will still exist when those things don’t. 

Our Superhera-ism comes through the quality of our connections.

It is how we use our connections to enable our own superpowers and others' superpowers to produce… the magic. 

I asked myself, “Do I feel good when someone calls me a Superher(a) because of all the work I do? Or, do I want to be called a Superhera because of the way I make people feel?”

TBH, I'm still struggling to say the latter, but the latter is where I want to be.

Now, because of your Superhera-ism, you might be asked to take on a lot of roles. After-all, the world feeds off of Superhera energy.

In my book I call this the Superhera Effect: Superheras pass their energy along to others, creating more Superheras.

What the heck does this have to do with SPRHRA?

I built our SPRHRA shorts because the most unbelievable Supeheras on the planet need athletic clothing that can try to keep up with them. 

That’s the Superhera Effect in action – you make me bring out my superpowers to create the best, most sustainable athletic clothes, so you can be supported in your freedom to move, live, lead, and perform.

Your busy-ness didn't inspire me to create the shorts; your Superhera-ism did.

It's a cool reflection to see how you impact versus an impacted schedule.

Believe in your Superhera-ism.

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